I took her when she was 2 months old....but she was quite a big size for a 2-month old kitten....Ming is my first pet....she is the most behaved cat i have ever met (i'm serious!....hehehehe).....
Now....she is 8 months old.....i'm finding her a mate (coz i believe it is the "time" for her "need")...i found a few candidates for her.....she rejected ALL.....she didnt surrender easily....i had to kidnap my neighbour's cat for a week (my neighbour just let the cat running free outside)...i've tried to hook her up with him......they fighted a lot (as expected).....as days went by, they got along.....but....i couldn't keep him any longer.....i had to let the cat free....my neighbour must be looking for him....(and he also didnt litter properly ...very strong reason for me to ditch him out...hehehe)
i don't know whether Ming had her "need" satisfied or not......i'm crossing my fingers.....hehehehe.....otherwise, i just need to continue finding Ming a mate.....GOOD LUCK SENA!!!