Wednesday, July 16, 2008

MBE 5533 @ LRT Cempaka Station

Phewwww!!! penatnye hari ni...lepas keje terus gi Hentian Putra, cari tiket ke Kuala Besut minggu depan (minggu depan nk gi Pulau Perhentian)....nasib la Hentian Putra tuh kecik jek.....tapi ulang alik jugak la dari kaunter ke kaunter nk cek tiket yg ada...nasib ade Radi...xdelah pening sorang2 nk beli tiket...tapi letih gak nk layan kerenah Radi...nak bas Sani lah, x nak naik bas 2 tingkat la, gayat la, x nk duk depan sgt la, nk pilih seat la....hahaha...tapi xpe....aku suka layan dia...hahahaha...

Lepas beli tiket, lapar la pulak......plan nk mkn kat the Mall...tapi cam x bes jek....nk mkn kedai biasa2 jek....then, kitorg mkn la kat kedai Kool (kedai ni Jay Kool nyer kat Pandan Indah)...lepas mkn, dah kyg, Radi hntr balik umah......

dah balik, dah mandi, dah online.....tetiba Radi call....hmmm...ape lagi la minah ni nak....then, she asked me where did i park my car? i was melopong trying to figure out where did i park my car...and BAMMMM!!! OMG!!! I TOTALLY FORGOT! I LEFT MY CAR AT THE LRT STATION near my house! Gosh! macam mana lah blh lupa i parked my car (my father's car) kat lrt! hehehehehe....

then i refreshed back what happened....after work, i left my car at the lrt station and took star lrt to go to PWTC and walked from there to Hentian Putra. i met Radi there. Then, i supposed to go home by lrt but we decided to have dinner and Radi sent me straight that time, i was totally forgot about my car and all i wanted to do was to take a bath and watching Desperate Housewives...

I really thought i have parked my car at my apartment.....i was sooooo, i had to walk to the lrt again for the car coz i would never leave my car there...when i reached the lrt station, only 2 cars left including was dark and creepy (it was 11.45pm) and i was alone.....there was taxi driver and lrt staff who was about to leave...dengan secepat kilatnye, terus masuk kereta and left the station....hehehehe....what a night!!!

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