Monday, March 9, 2009

Malacca Trip Jan 2009

The first trip for this year was.......the trip to hometown...hehehe...walaupun balik kg, perasaan nyer macam pergi trip2 lain jugak sbb kali ni betul2 berkesempatan melawat tempat2 menarik kat Melaka...hehehe...thanks to my friends yg nak datang melawat Melaka (ayudcs, ayumcd and rabiah)...

First day-Sabtu ptg kitorg gi Mini Malaysia...bertahun2 x masuk Mini Malaysia...and i was surprised...the place was very badly managed...SERIOUS!!!...macam tempat terbiar and its Mini Asean was closed down...sebagai anak Melaka, agak sedih la jugak tgk tempat pelancongan jadi macam tuh...nevertheless, we had so much fun! we went to almost every house...and took a lot of pictures!

Lepas tuh kitorg naik kereta lembu plak...the smell was...phewww!!! tahan nafas je la...hehehe...kesian gak tgk lembu 2 ekor tuh...kitorg dah la berat2...hehehe...

Then kitorg gi river cruise plak...nasib la mase tuh x ramai least setengah jam jugak la cruising...dah setengah perjalanan, hujan la, agak basah la kena tempias hujan...hehehe...

Balik dari cruising dah malam...sampai rumah dah dihidangkan dgn soto ayam-by request!!!...hehehe....and...end of day 1.....kitorg kekenyangan dan tido dgn lena nyer.....
The next day kitorg gi jalan2 kat Malacca town la jalan2 naik beca, Bangunan Merah, Menara Taming Sari, Muzium Kapal Samudera, Kota A Famosa, Bukit St Paul...etc...that night, we had seafood dinner at the famous Medan Ikan Bakar Umbai...after dinner, we had planned to go to Kolam Air Panas but it was raining heavily that, we had decided to postpone our plan to the next day...

The next morning, we resumed our plan.....panas giler air dia...tapi best...rasa segar...tapi kaki dah jadi macam udang kena bakar.....merah giler sbb panas....agaknyer kalau rendam satu hari satu malam, masak kaki kitorg...hehehe

Mase dalam waktu jalan2 tuh, kitorg nampak ade org jual durian.....masing2 dah terliur nak makan durian......tapi waktu jumpa org jual durian tuh, timing x, bila betul2 nak cari, dah xde plak org jual.....kecewa giler kitorg!...huhuhuh....

After lunch, masing2 pulang ke was really fun. a lot of pictures taken and it was a memorable trip.....

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